4 Quotes & Sayings By Tatiana De Rosnay

Tatiana de Rosnay was born in Paris. She is a French writer, director and film producer. She began her career as a screenwriter. Her first novel, “The Little Death”, was the number one bestseller in France in 2006 and has been translated into more than a dozen languages Read more

Her second novel, “The Perfect Nanny”, was published in France in 2008 and won the Prix Interallié at the 2009 Cannes Film Festival. In 2011 she directed the film adaptation of her first two novels, “The Little Death” and “The Perfect Nanny”. In 2012 she directed the film adaptation of her third novel, “The Raw Sister”.

Sometimes, Miss Jarmond, it's not easy to bring back the past. There are unpleasant surprises. The truth is harder than ignorance Tatiana De Rosnay
I wanted to cry, but the tears did not come. Tatiana De Rosnay
Are you afraid in there?" she said softly, as the men called out for them." No, " he said. "I'm not afraid. You lock me in. They won't get me." She closed the door on the little white face, turned the key in the lock. Then she slipped the key into her pocket. The lock was hidden by a pivoting device shaped like a light switch. It was impossible to see the outline of the cupboard in the paneling of the wall. Yes, he'd be safe there. She was sure of it. The girl murmured his name and laid her palm flat on the wooden panel." I'll come back for you later. I promise. Tatiana De Rosnay